For Paris
By Alina Avery
It’s a video kind of week here on the blog, but I can’t resist sharing this adorable video.
Adorable interview with French father and son regarding the recent attacks
Seriously, my heart is melting.
It’s been a heavy week, with so much tragedy all over the world. There’s something so inherently French about seeing the beauty in the world and letting it protect you from the “really really mean” people.
As we look forward to celebrating Thanksgiving next week, we should remember how lucky we are to live in a country that people run to instead of from, where we can stay in our homes and plant flowers, where we have food and shelter and family, and where we’re free to work in any profession, to go to any restaurant, to walk on any street. To get an education, to access the internet, to drink clean water. To vote. To marry who we wish, to wear what we want, to travel. There are many things our country has yet to get right, but we should still be thankful for all that we have.